Wednesday, August 4, 2010


This pic is as recent as - - Aug 2.
it's my natural look ive got: 
light pink eyeshadow, thin liquid eyeliner on the top lid & mascara
--- <3 ---

O1.)  im [ Tall ) ; some people told me that based on my pics , they figured i would be a lil short
or shorter than i am. . . no honey , i'm 5'9 or around that last time i was checked. :)

02. i've lived in different areas ,  because my dad's in the army.
Mississippi Born . California Raised . Kentucky Grown . and now livin in Maryland...
i'm *definitely a city girl. i love the hustle & bustle with lots to do.

O3.) I do want a tattoo(s) but i want it to be meaningful to me , not just heart stars & rainbows - so i'll wait.

O4.) I pretty much don't know how to cook ; but im workin on it.

O5.) I love money , but im *in love with lovee <3

O6.) It takes a lot* to make me angry , i try so hard to control it cuz my temper is ugly.

O7.) i like to read , the non fiction things --mystery , vampire , adventure ish. . .

O8.) i want a bigg family later in life :) i'll probably adopt or look into being a foster mom also if im financially able , because everyone deserves to have a family.

O9.) i lovee to go out and dance , tho it doesn't happen alllll the time.

1O.) i want to get into scrapbooking , as granny as that sounds , i believe i can be creative with photos :)
when i have kids, ima scrapbook their whole lives lmao!

11.) make up is my thanggg :] im always willing to learn new techniques.

12.) i like to rearrange my room every now and then , it's a good release & gives good vibes lol

13.) i believe in the unexplainable.

14.) i melt for *p u p p i e s , i wish i could take em all home!

15.) i could live on chinese foooddd :) nom nom nom!

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