Saturday, January 30, 2010

First blogg :]

Helloo Athena heree ♥

Just made the blog tonightt ; with Rachelle. Pretty excited not gonna lie lol im glad we finally got the page layout set up though it is liable to change several more times im sure lol

 [ R O Y A L  *  F L U S H )

First and foremost...i wanna show  my love to my bestiee -- [the best man at my wedding &. future godfather to my children lmao) Tyrone LaMont Foster and his group Royal Flush for making it on America's Best Dance Crew! I will definitely be watching && voting for yall every single week! :]

Anywayss today was a pretty qood day -- feelinq qood bout my math exam today :) went out to dinner with two of my ladies. We qo way back and it was good to chill out and catch up. Ran into a dude from the past tonight also...he qot me thinkin back to when times were qood... watched some youtube videos and B.Scott's "you're an ex for a reason" cleared my mind completely [thank you b.scott bby) he said "Just because you are lonely doesn't mean you have to compromise and settle for somethinq you said *no to before! i qot rid of you for a reason." which is so true -- word of advice [to you and myself) trust your decisions and keep it movinq...qoing back to an ex will sooner or later result in them reminding you of why yall broke up in the first place. 
          Welp im gonna call it a night ; good luck to you and your love life :]

--forevaa your ladyy . Athena*

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